Migrating data into Kubernetes

$ kubectl volsync migration
Copy data from an external file system into a Kubernetes PersistentVolume.

This set of commands is designed to help provision a PV and copy data from a
directory tree into that newly provisioned volume.

kubectl-volsync migration [command]

Available Commands:
create      Create a new migration destination
delete      Delete a new migration destination
rsync       Rsync data from source to destination

Example Usage

The following example uses the kubectl volsync migration subcommand to migrate data from a stand-alone storage system into a Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim.

External storage

A locally mounted directory tree (could be local disk or network-attached storage such as NFS or GlusterFS)

Destination cluster

OpenShift running on GCP with their CSI driver. Note: The VolSync operator must be installed in the destination cluster.

Create the migration destination

Begin by creating a Namespace to hold the PVC (and eventually the application that will use the data).

$ kubectl create ns destination
namespace/destination created

Create a target for the data migration. If a capacity and accessModes are provided and the PVC does not already exist, the VolSync CLI will create the PVC. Otherwise, it will use the existing PVC.

$ kubectl volsync migration create -r mig-example --capacity 2Gi --accessmodes ReadWriteOnce --storageclass standard-csi --pvcname destination/mydata
I0302 12:50:42.498947  168200 request.go:665] Waited for 1.007067079s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:https://api.ci-ln-72rwmxb-72292.origin-ci-int-gce.dev.rhcloud.com:6443/apis/project.openshift.io/v1?timeout=32s
I0302 12:50:43.925309  168200 migration_create.go:329] pvc: "mydata" not found, creating the same
I0302 12:50:43.974092  168200 migration_create.go:267] Namespace: "destination" is found, proceeding with the same
I0302 12:50:44.021410  168200 migration_create.go:314] Created Destination PVC: "mydata" in NameSpace: "destination" and Cluster: ""
I0302 12:50:44.073745  168200 migration_create.go:357] Created ReplicationDestination: "destination-mydata-migration-dest" in Namespace: "destination" and Cluster: ""

$ kubectl get -n destination pvc/mydata
NAME     STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
mydata   Bound    pvc-c9040e1f-e3dd-49e4-aa5d-194079181f55   2Gi        RWO            standard-csi   3m6s

Copy the data into the PVC

Once the destination has been created, we can use the CLI to transfer data into the cluster.

The data currently resides in the /tmp/data directory:

$ ls /tmp/data
./  ../  linux-4.1.51/

$ du -sh /tmp/data
643M        /tmp/data

Sync this data into the cluster:

$ kubectl volsync migration rsync -r mig-example --source /tmp/data/
Number of files: 52,680 (reg: 49,453, dir: 3,213, link: 14)
Number of created files: 52,680 (reg: 49,453, dir: 3,213, link: 14)
Number of deleted files: 0
Number of regular files transferred: 49,453
Total file size: 556.98M bytes
Total transferred file size: 556.97M bytes
Literal data: 556.97M bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 524.26K
File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 150.77M
Total bytes received: 961.29K

sent 150.77M bytes  received 961.29K bytes  10.46M bytes/sec
total size is 556.98M  speedup is 3.67

Incremental changes can also be transferred:

$ echo "hello" > /tmp/data/hi.txt

$ kubectl volsync migration rsync -r mig-example --source /tmp/data/
I0302 13:37:37.698258  174966 request.go:665] Waited for 1.004977118s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:https://api.ci-ln-72rwmxb-72292.origin-ci-int-gce.dev.rhcloud.com:6443/apis/snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1beta1?timeout=32s
I0302 13:37:39.093025  174966 migration_rsync.go:132] Extracting ReplicationDestination secrets
I0302 13:37:39.177009  174966 migration_rsync.go:190] Migrating Data from "/tmp/data/" to "\destination\mydata"
.d..t...... ./
<f+++++++++ hi.txt

Number of files: 52,681 (reg: 49,454, dir: 3,213, link: 14)
Number of created files: 1 (reg: 1)
Number of deleted files: 0
Number of regular files transferred: 1
Total file size: 556.98M bytes
Total transferred file size: 6 bytes
Literal data: 6 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 0
File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 806.41K
Total bytes received: 3.60K

sent 806.41K bytes  received 3.60K bytes  147.28K bytes/sec
total size is 556.98M  speedup is 687.61

Clean up

Once all the data has been transferred, the VolSync destination objects can be cleaned up:

$ kubectl volsync migration delete -r mig-example

Use the data in-cluster

We can now start a pod attached to the PVC and view the data:

 kind: Pod
 apiVersion: v1
   name: busybox
     - name: busybox
       image: busybox
       command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
       args: ["sleep 999999"]
         - name: data
           mountPath: "/mnt"
     - name: data
         claimName: mydata
$ kubectl -n destination apply -f pod.yaml
pod/busybox created

$ kubectl -n destination exec -it pod/busybox -- ls -al /mnt
total 12
drwx--x--x    3 101587   101587        4096 Mar  2 18:37 .
dr-xr-xr-x    1 root     root            73 Mar  2 18:39 ..
-rw-------    1 101587   101587           6 Mar  2 18:37 hi.txt
drwx--x--x   23 101587   101587        4096 Mar 27  2018 linux-4.1.51

$ kubectl -n destination exec -it pod/busybox -- du -sh /mnt
655.4M      /mnt