Manual SSH key generation

Normally, VolSync generates SSH keys upon the deployment of a ReplicationDestination object but SSH keys can also be provided to VolSync rather than generating new ones. The steps below will describe the process to provide VolSync SSH keys.

Generating keys

ssh-keygen can be used to generate SSH keys. The keys that are created will be used to create secrets which will be used by VolSync.

Two key pairs need to be generated. The first SSH key will called destination.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f destination -C "" -N ""
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in destination
Your public key has been saved in
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 4096]----+
|      ... o*oE.  |
|     +.  .o + .  |
|    oo=.   o . . |
|   ..+++.     o  |
|    .oooS.   . + |
|.o  . o*.   o o .|
|*o.o +..o  . .   |
|+=o . =.         |
| .o. o...        |

The second SSH key will be called source:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f source -C "" -N ""
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in source
Your public key has been saved in
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 4096]----+
|    .+OX*O o *.. |
|    .oo*B E = =  |
|      .o+o o .   |
|      ..o.+ .    |
|     .  S+ . o   |
|    +   +   o .  |
|     = o + o . o |
|    . . o +   o  |
|         .       |

Creating secrets

Secrets will be created using the SSH keys that were generated above. These keys must reside on the cluster and namespace that serves as the replication source/destination.

The destination needs access to the public and private destination keys but only the public source key:

$ kubectl create ns dest
$ kubectl create secret generic volsync-rsync-dest-dest-database-destination --from-file=destination=destination -n dest

The source needs access to the public and private source keys but only the public destination key:

$ kubectl create ns source
$ kubectl create secret generic volsync-rsync-dest-src-database-destination --from-file=source=source -n source

Replication destination configuration

The last step to use these keys is to provide the value of sshKeys to the ReplicationDestination object as a field. Since the name of a key Secret is being provided in .spec.rsync.sshKeys, the operator will use this Secret instead of generating its own and placing it in the .status.

apiVersion: volsync.backube/v1alpha1
kind: ReplicationDestination
  name: database-destination
  namespace: dest
    # ... other fields omitted ...
    # This is the name of the Secret we created, above
    sshKeys: volsync-rsync-dest-dest-database-destination

The ReplicationDestination object can now be created:

$ kubectl create -f examples/rsync/volsync_v1alpha1_replicationdestination.yaml

The above steps should be repeated to set the sshKeys field in the ReplicationSource.