Syncthing Dokuwiki Example


This tutorial requires the usage of LoadBalancer to expose applications from within the cluster. If you are running a KIND cluster, please follow this guide to install metallb if you haven’t already:

In this example, we will demonstrate how Syncthing can be used to maintain a synchronized volume across several Dokuwiki application instances.

First, create a namespace for the Dokuwiki application and launch the required resources:

kubectl create ns dokuwiki-east
kubectl apply -f examples/dokuwiki/ -n dokuwiki-east

Ensure that we can access the dokuwiki application by obtaining the external IP address:

$ kubectl get service -n dokuwiki-east dokuwiki-service
NAME               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
dokuwiki-service   LoadBalancer   5196:30113/TCP   16m

Open your browser and navigate to the value in your EXTERNAL-IP field, in our case it is This should take you to the front-end for the Dokuwiki application. You’ll be able to create new wiki pages here, as well as edit existing ones.

Once opened, you should see a page like this:

Dokuwiki East

Now let’s populate our DokuWiki with its first page, and what better subject to talk about then the Syncthing data mover?

Create a new page on the DokuWiki website with the following contents:

Syncthing is a data mover that allows you to synchronize your data across multiple devices.
It's an awesome tool that you should try out if you haven't already.

Now let’s create a Syncthing-based ReplicationSource to synchronize the data within our DokuWiki PVC:

$ kubectl apply -f examples/syncthing/replicationsource_empty.yaml -n dokuwiki-east
replicationsource.volsync.backube/sync-dokuwiki created

Let’s retrieve our ReplicationSource’s Syncthing information once it becomes available:

$ kubectl get replicationsource -n dokuwiki-east sync-dokuwiki \
  -o jsonpath='{.status.syncthing}' -w

Once the above data becomes available, let’s save the Syncthing ID and address as an environment variable in our shell so that we can reuse it later.

export SYNCTHING_EAST_ID=$(kubectl get replicationsource -n dokuwiki-east sync-dokuwiki -o jsonpath='{.status.syncthing.ID}')
export SYNCTHING_EAST_ADDRESS=$(kubectl get replicationsource -n dokuwiki-east sync-dokuwiki -o jsonpath='{.status.syncthing.address}')

Now that dokuwiki-east is all configured, let’s create two other namespaces with their own DokuWiki applications: dokuwiki-west and dokuwiki-central.

kubectl create ns dokuwiki-west
kubectl create ns dokuwiki-central

We’ll launch a DokuWiki application in each namespace:

kubectl apply -f examples/dokuwiki/ -n dokuwiki-west
kubectl apply -f examples/dokuwiki/ -n dokuwiki-central

These can now be accessed through their own respective external IP addresses:

Obtaining the External IP for dokuwiki-west
$ kubectl get service -n dokuwiki-west dokuwiki-service
NAME               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
dokuwiki-service   LoadBalancer   5196:32364/TCP   114s
Obtaining the External IP for dokuwiki-central
$ kubectl get service -n dokuwiki-central dokuwiki-service
NAME               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
dokuwiki-service   LoadBalancer   5196:31687/TCP   2m32s

Go ahead and open both of these up in their own respective tabs. You should see empty pages for both dokuwiki-west and dokuwiki-central.

Let’s change this by creating Syncthing-based ReplicationSources in each of these namespaces, and configuring them to use dokuwiki-east as their introducer node.

Using the information that we obtained from the ReplicationSource in dokuwiki-east earlier, create a ReplicationSource with the following contents and apply it in each namespace:

Syncthing-based ReplicationSource using dokuwiki-east as an introducer
for ns in dokuwiki-west dokuwiki-central; do
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n "${ns}" -f -
kind: ReplicationSource
apiVersion: volsync.backube/v1alpha1
  name: sync-dokuwiki
  sourcePVC: dokuwiki-pvc
    serviceType: ClusterIP
      address: ${SYNCTHING_EAST_ADDRESS}
      introducer: true

This will create Syncthing-based ReplicationSources in both namespaces configured to sync the PVC which stores DokuWiki’s data. These ReplicationSources will be configured to use dokuwiki-east as their introducer node.

To complete the process, we must add dokuwiki-west and dokuwiki-central as peers into the dokuwiki-east ReplicationSource. Since both dokuwiki-west and dokuwiki-central are now configured to use dokuwiki-east as their introducer node, we will not have to do any extra work to get these two connected with each other.

First, let’s save the Syncthing information of dokuwiki-west and dokuwiki-central: Wait until the Syncthing information is available in dokuwiki-west, then save it into the respective variables:

$ kubectl get replicationsource -n dokuwiki-west sync-dokuwiki -o jsonpath='{.status.syncthing}' -w
$ export SYNCTHING_WEST_ID=$(kubectl get replicationsource -n dokuwiki-west sync-dokuwiki -o jsonpath='{.status.syncthing.ID}')
$ export SYNCTHING_WEST_ADDRESS=$(kubectl get replicationsource -n dokuwiki-west sync-dokuwiki -o jsonpath='{.status.syncthing.address}')

Now repeat the same process for dokuwiki-central:

$ kubectl get replicationsource -n dokuwiki-central sync-dokuwiki -o jsonpath='{.status.syncthing}' -w
$ export SYNCTHING_CENTRAL_ID=$(kubectl get replicationsource -n dokuwiki-central sync-dokuwiki -o jsonpath='{.status.syncthing.ID}')
$ export SYNCTHING_CENTRAL_ADDRESS=$(kubectl get replicationsource -n dokuwiki-central sync-dokuwiki -o jsonpath='{.status.syncthing.address}')

Now that we have the Syncthing information of both namespaces, let’s add them as peers to the dokuwiki-east ReplicationSource:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n dokuwiki-east -f -
kind: ReplicationSource
apiVersion: volsync.backube/v1alpha1
  name: sync-dokuwiki
  sourcePVC: dokuwiki-pvc
    serviceType: ClusterIP
      introducer: false
      introducer: false

Once this configures, we’ll see that dokuwiki-east is now connected to both dokuwiki-west and dokuwiki-central:

Peers connected to dokuwiki-east
$ kubectl get replicationsource sync-dokuwiki -n dokuwiki-east -o jsonpath='{.status.syncthing.peers}' | jq
    "address": "tcp://",
    "connected": true,
    "deviceName": "volsync-sync-dokuwiki-f59cd4b9c-r6f4c"
    "address": "tcp://",
    "connected": true,
    "deviceName": "volsync-sync-dokuwiki-f59cd4b9c-dhpjs"

We can also see that dokuwiki-central was introduced and connected to dokuwiki-west by dokuwiki-east:

Peers connected to dokuwiki-central
$ kubectl get replicationsource sync-dokuwiki -n dokuwiki-central -o jsonpath='{.status.syncthing.peers}' | jq
    "address": "tcp://",
    "connected": true,
    "deviceName": "volsync-sync-dokuwiki-f59cd4b9c-r6f4c",
    "address": "tcp://",
    "connected": true,
    "deviceName": "volsync-sync-dokuwiki-f59cd4b9c-rhlxh"

Now, let’s get the external IPs to the dokuwiki-west and dokuwiki-central applications and view them in our browser:

$ kubectl get svc -n dokuwiki-central dokuwiki-service
NAME               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
dokuwiki-service   LoadBalancer   5196:31687/TCP   177m
$ kubectl get svc -n dokuwiki-west dokuwiki-service
NAME               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
dokuwiki-service   LoadBalancer   5196:32364/TCP   177m

Here’s how the main DokuWiki website appears in the dokuwiki-central namespace:

DokuWiki in ``dokuwiki-central`` namespace synced with Syncthing

And here’s how it looks in the dokuwiki-west namespace:

DokuWiki in ``dokuwiki-west`` namespace synced with Syncthing

Now let’s create a new page from the dokuwiki-west namespace, click on the URL bar at the and append /dokuwiki-west to the end of the URL, like this:

URL bar appending ``/dokuwiki-west`` to the current DokuWiki URL

This should present us with a new page containing the message: “this topic does not exist yet.” Well let’s change that: click on the “Create this page” button and fill it with the content of your choosing. In our case, we’re going to make a page for our dokuwiki-west namespace.

Your end result should resemble something like this:

A new wiki page created by the application in ``dokuwiki-west`` namespace

We can verify that this page has been synced to the DokuWiki instances in other namespaces by going to the dokuwiki-central namespace and placing /doku.php?id=dokuwiki-west at the end of its URL, like this:

URL bar appending ``/dokuwiki-west`` to the ``dokuwiki-central`` URL

Once you hit Enter, you should see the page we had just created in the dokuwiki-west namespace appear in the dokuwiki-central tab:

A wiki page created by the application in ``dokuwiki-central`` namespace

And voila! You have just created a fully-connected Syncthing cluster in Kubernetes using VolSync, and made use of it to synchronize data across a distributed application.