VolSync CLI / kubectl plugin

VolSync provides a CLI interface to assist in performing common operations using the VolSync operator.

All the tasks that can be accomplished via this CLI can also be performed by directly manipulating VolSync’s ReplicationSource and ReplicationDestination objects. It is meant as a simple shortcut for common operations:


The plugin can installed via:

$ go install github.com/backube/volsync/kubectl-volsync@main
go: downloading github.com/backube/volsync v0.3.1-0.20220214161039-2a78c57773a4

$ which kubectl-volsync

Assuming that the above installation directory is in your PATH, the VolSync CLI will be available as a sub-command of kubectl or oc:

$ kubectl volsync --help
This plugin can be used to configure replication relationships using the
VolSync operator.

The plugin has a number of sub-commands that are organized based on common
data movement tasks such as:

  *  Creating a cross-cluster data replication relationship
  *  Migrating data into a Kubernetes cluster
  *  Establishing a simple PV backup schedule

  kubectl-volsync [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  migration   Migrate data into a PersistentVolume
  replication Replicate data between two PersistentVolumes