
There are four different replication methods built into VolSync. Choose the method that best fits your use-case:

Rclone replication

Use Rclone-based replication for multi-way (1:many) scenarios such as distributing data to edge clusters from a central site.

Restic backup

Create a Restic-based backup of the data in a PersistentVolume.

Rsync replication (via TLS)

Use Rsync-based replication for 1:1 replication of volumes in scenarios such as disaster recovery, mirroring to a test environment, or sending data to a remote site for processing.

Rsync replication (via ssh)

This is the original rsync-based mover for 1:1 data replication. New deployments should favor the TLS-based implementation since the mover requires fewer privileges.

Syncthing replication

Use Syncthing-based replication for multi-way (many:many), live, eventually consistent data replication in scenarios where the data is spread-out and updated in real-time, such as a wiki application, or a private distributed file-store.

Permission model

The data replication mover Pods run in the user’s source and destination Namespaces. The permissions that are given to these Pods control what data can be replicated. They also affect the security of the cluster. Please see the permission model documentation for more details.


VolSync supports several types of triggers to specify when to schedule the replication.


VolSync exposes a number of metrics that permit monitoring the status of replication relationships via Prometheus.

Volume Populator

VolSync provides a Volume Populator to allow creation of PVCs that reference a ReplicationDestination as a dataSourceRef.