PVC annotations for copy triggers

When doing a replication of a source PVC, it can be desirable to perform some operation such as a quiesce on the application source prior to performing the replication. VolSync has not implemented any hooks in order to do this as they can require privileges such as being able to exec into users containers.

A user can always schedule their replications themselves via manual triggers if they want to peform some automation, but now there’s also the option of using annotations on the source PVC.

With a ReplicationSource that uses a CopyMode of Snapshot or Clone, it’s possible to use annotations on the Source PVC in order to coordinate when the snapshot or clone gets taken during a replication cycle.

When VolSync schedules a synchronization for the ReplicationSource, if the source has the annotation volsync.backube/use-copy-trigger, then VolSync will pause before taking the Snapshot or Clone and wait for the user to indicate/trigger that VolSync can proceed. After which VolSync will also update via pvc annotations once the Snapshot or Clone is complete so that the user can choose to perform actions such as an unquiesce.

Source PVC annotations being used

For the user to edit/modify (VolSync will not touch these annotations):

User-level Source PVC annotations

For VolSync to edit/modify (Users should not modify these annotations):

VolSync Source PVC annotations

Mover support

The current set of movers that support PVC annotations for copy triggers is:

  • rclone

  • restic

  • rsync-tls

  • rsync

Example Source PVC annotation coordination with VolSync

Here is an example scenario using a replicationsource with restic to backup a PVC to a remote store. PVC copy triggers will be used in order to coordinate performing actions on the application using the PVC prior to the snapshot being taken.

Example ReplicationSource
apiVersion: volsync.backube/v1alpha1
kind: ReplicationSource
  name: test-rs
  namespace: test-ns
  sourcePVC: data-pvc
    schedule: "*/30 * * * *"
    pruneIntervalDays: 1
    repository: restic-secret
      hourly: 3
      daily: 2
      monthly: 1
    copyMethod: Snapshot
    cacheCapacity: 1Gi

The example replicationsource will run a sync every 30 minutes and make a snapshot of the source PVC called data-pvc every time it syncs.

Source PVC
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: data-pvc
  namespace: test-ns
    # If this annotation is set with any value, VolSync will use copy triggers
    volsync.backube/use-copy-trigger: ""
  accessModes: [ReadWriteOnce]
      storage: 10Gi

When the replicationsource runs a sync, it will see the volsync.backube/use-copy-trigger annotation on the source PVC and pause before taking a snapshot.

VolSync will then add the volsync.backube/latest-copy-status annotation with value WaitingForTrigger.

Source PVC - VolSync is waiting for copy trigger before taking snapshot or clone
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: data-pvc
  namespace: test-ns
    volsync.backube/use-copy-trigger: ""
    volsync.backube/latest-copy-status: "WaitingForTrigger"

At this point the user can run commands to pause or quiesce their application.


VolSync will update the replicationsource status.latestMoverStatus with an error if the use does not set a copy-trigger within 10 minutes of setting the volsync.backube/latest-copy-status to WaitingForTrigger. VolSync will keep reconciling the replicationsource however.

Now to indicate that VolSync can proceed to create a copy of the source PVC (a snapshot or clone), the user needs to add the annotation volsync.backube/copy-trigger to a unique value.

Source PVC - User sets a new unique copy-trigger annotation on the PVC
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: data-pvc
  namespace: test-ns
    volsync.backube/use-copy-trigger: ""
    volsync.backube/copy-trigger: "trigger-1" # User updated to unique value
    volsync.backube/latest-copy-status: "WaitingForTrigger"

VolSync will now start to make the copy of the PVC (a snapshot or clone) and update the volsync.backube/latest-copy-status to InProgress.

Source PVC - VolSync proceeds to take copy (snapshot or clone)
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: data-pvc
  namespace: test-ns
    volsync.backube/use-copy-trigger: ""
    volsync.backube/copy-trigger: "trigger-1"
    volsync.backube/latest-copy-status: "InProgress" # Snapshot is being taken

One the snapshot or clone is complete, VolSync will again update the volsync.backube/latest-copy-status, this time to Completed. VolSync will also add another annotation volsync.backube/latest-copy-trigger which will match the value of the volsync.backube/copy-trigger set by the user.

Source PVC - VolSync has completed copy (snapshot or clone)
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: data-pvc
  namespace: test-ns
    volsync.backube/use-copy-trigger: ""
    volsync.backube/copy-trigger: "trigger-1"
    volsync.backube/latest-copy-status: "Completed" # Snapshot is complete
    volsync.backube/latest-copy-trigger: "trigger-1"

VolSync will proceed to run the sync at this point, but since the copy has completed, users can now perform actions on their application such as an unquiesce.

Next sync iteration, VolSync will again update the volsync.backube/latest-copy-status to WaitingForTrigger.

Source PVC - VolSync is again waiting for copy trigger before taking snapshot or clone
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: data-pvc
  namespace: test-ns
    volsync.backube/use-copy-trigger: ""
    volsync.backube/copy-trigger: "trigger-1"
    volsync.backube/latest-copy-status: "WaitingForTrigger" # The next sync is waiting for a new copy-trigger
    volsync.backube/latest-copy-trigger: "trigger-1"

VolSync will wait before making a copy of the Source PVC until the user updates volsync.backube/copy-trigger to a value that does not match the value of volsync.backube/latest-copy-trigger.