Understanding rclone-secret

The Rclone Secret provides the configuration details to locate and access the intermediary storage system. It is mounted as a secret on the Rclone data mover pod and provided to the Rclone executable.

The secret should contain the key rclone.conf that contains the contents of your rclone.conf file. Here is an example rclone.conf:

type = s3
provider = AWS
env_auth = false
access_key_id = *******
secret_access_key = ******
region = <region>
location_constraint = <region>
acl = private

In the above example AWS S3 is used as the backend for the intermediary storage system.

  • [aws-s3-bucket]: Name of the remote

  • type: Type of storage

  • provider: Backend provider

  • access_key_id: AWS credentials

  • secret_access_key: AWS credentials

  • region: Region to connect to

  • location_constraint: Must be set to match the region

For detailed instructions follow the Rclone documentation on how to create an rclone.conf configuration file.

Deploy rclone-secret

Assuming the above example is placed in a local file, rclone.conf, the Secret can be created via:

# Create the secret (remember to pass the correct namespace name)
$ kubectl create -n source secret generic rclone-secret --from-file=rclone.conf=rclone.conf
$ kubectl get -n source secrets
NAME                  TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
default-token-g9vdx   kubernetes.io/service-account-token   3      20s
rclone-secret         Opaque                                1      17s

This Secret should be created on both the source and the destination locations.

Using RCLONE_ environment variables in rclone-secret

Rclone has the ability to set environment variables for configuration. Environment variables that start with RCLONE_ can be set as key/value pairs in the rclone-secret and they will be passed to the rclone mover job.

Here is an example rclone-secret that sets RCLONE_BWLIMIT to 5M:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: rclone-secret
type: Opaque
  # equivalent to the --bwlimit command line flag
  # rclone.conf
  rclone.conf: |
    type = s3
    provider = Minio
    env_auth = false
    access_key_id = user1
    secret_access_key = abc123
    region = us-east-1
    endpoint = http://minio.minio.svc.cluster.local:9000

For detailed information on Rclone environment variables see the Rclone environment variable documentation.